For Dairy effluent treatment, a definitive technology is developed and which has now replaced conventional ETPs based on UASB technology. The technology is successfully implemented at two of the prominent dairies in India i.e. Chitale Dairy at Bhilwadi and Gokul Dairy at Kolhapur. This technology has been in consistent working for last 8 – 9 years and also rendering much better results in respect of parameter efficiency achievement and also in reducing the resource requirement and increased production of biogas. We have also designed an electricity generation system based on microturbines and which is successfully implemented.
1 | Treatment pattern | Gravity fat separation or prior flocculation and fat separation | No fat separation necessary. Fat is digested along with effluent |
Remark | 1) Clumsy and non efficient
operation of fat removal renders
several problems including fat
overflow from digester, scum
formation. 2) In case of prior chemical flocculation, heavy chemical dosage and costs and the peculiar problem of sludge disposal is a major problem |
The treatment of fat eliminates fat separation and disposal besides resulting in additional gas output from degraded organic matter.t | |
2 | Anaerobic digestion system | USB System, single phase digester | Complete mix system with two phase digestion |
Remark | 1) Probleminous, particularly when temporary destabilization occurs. No quick recovery possible in absence of allied sludge recycles. 2) Efficiency depletes due to large scum formation (undigested fat) |
The two phase digestion gives increased efficiency and can be easily controlled in case of variations. | |
3 | Solids handling | No provision, controls | Solids thickening unit |
Remark | No effective solids disposal as discharging becomes difficult, particularly for excess sludge, which is bound to be generated | Very efficient mechanized solids thickening renders it easy both for recycle and disposal | |
4 | Sludge drying | Sludge Drying Bed | Mechanized sludge drying |
Remark | Primitive Sludge drying bed technology adopted which is manpower intensive and also results in foul odour | Efficient and quick operations results in drip dry sludge, with very little manpower and no foul odour | |
5 | Process, Instrumentation controls | Practically nil, even flow control devices not provided | Process control instrumentation to run the entire operation in semi-automatic mode | Remark | Virtual manual operation susceptible to manual errors | This not only increases process efficiency, but also results in considerable saving in resources, like power and chemical costs. |
The treatment process of effluents from dairy industry has long been paralyzed for want of effective technology for digestion of Milk fats, which has proven to be a menace for technologies where conventional U.S.B. reactors are followed and also where, the fat is pre-flocculated and then the managements have to cater for safe and legal disposal of the same, which is becoming an impossible task day by day.
The alternate technology evolved and tested successfully not only deals with this problem in an effective manner, but also increases efficiency of treatment. Adequate instrumentation provided also helps in process control and fail proof operation.
The Technology proposed therefore shall be a path breaking approach for resulting in Non – Conventional Energy, which substitutes a major portion of the optimized energy requirement.
electricity generation system based on microturbines